Landscape Studies

The analyzes and assessments landscapes are one of the fundamental aspects of environmental assessments and are relate to the alterations induced by the implementation of a given work and to the design of mitigations specific to each project intervention.
From the regulatory point of view, the centrality of the landscape has been reaffirmed with the promulgation of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of December 12, 2005 "Finding the necessary documentation to verify the landscape compatibility of the proposed interventions" (“Individuazione della documentazione necessaria alla verifica della compatibilità paesaggistica degli interventi proposti"), within the meaning of Article 146, paragraph 3, of the Code of the cultural heritage and landscape of the Law Decree of 22 January 2004 n. 42. The decree requires the preparation of a report in support of landscaping works projects located in areas subject to landscape regulation.
As part of the Environmental Impact Study, as well as the preparation of the environmental documentation relating to actions falling in restricted areas have been a number of studies of landscape analysis and design of landscaping works related to road infrastructure systems energy production from renewable sources ( wind, solar and hydro), mining, construction projects and subdivisions, industrial areas, hydraulic safety.
The methodological-operational approach followed is aimed at safeguarding the interest of witnesses elements of the historical landscape, the protection of the natural landscape as well as the enhancement of the quality of perception, visual and scenery. In this context it is of particular importance the analysis of visual perception of new works, with the aim of containing the amendments and their implementation results in the appearance of the landscape.
The reference techniques are based on the analysis of the morphology of the territory and land cover, and allow for the use in drawing diagrams, renderings and photo insertions .
We finally recall the experiences gained in the definition and design of complementary interventions, such as remodeling and a landscaped , designed to ensure the correct insertion of new works in the landscape and in particular the masking of their components more intrusive .

Le analisi e le valutazioni paesaggistiche costituiscono uno degli aspetti fondamentali delle valutazioni ambientali e riguardano sia le alterazioni indotte dalla realizzazione di una determinata opera che la progettazione di mitigazioni specifiche per ciascun intervento progettuale.