Geology, Seismic and Quarries




Geology, Seismic and Quarries Group:

Main fields:

Geological, Hydrogeological and Seismic
Geotechnical Design
Risk Analysis and Design of Remediation of Polluted Sites
Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Monitoring
Quarry Planning and Design



Dott. Geol. Francesco Ravaglia

Master Degree in Geological Sciences University of Parma in 1998. 

Member of the Regional Order of Geologists of Emilia-Romagna with n. 988

Sector coordination

Mining Design, Geology and Geotechnics, Geoarchaeology

Dott. Geol. Adriano Biasia

Master Degree in Geological Sciences University of Parma in 2001. 

Applied Geology, Geotechnical, Geological surveys

Dott. Nat. Alessandro Mucciolo

Master Degree in Natural Sciences University of Parma in 2003. 
Enabled as agro-forestry technician in 2005

Environmental Impact Assessment, Evaluation of incidence, Wildlife surveys, Environmental rehabilitation and Design of green works for the mining operation.