Environmental Impact Studies

Environmental impact studies
On the basis of the experience gained since 1991 in the analysis and management of complex environmental issues, AMBITER is able to provide assistance in all the phases of preventive assessment of environmental impacts in administrative proceedings prescribed by law (Verification of subjection to EIA, Screening and EIA).
The experience led to the definition of methods for assessing objective and scientifically trusted, based on qualitative and quantitative numerical techniques, which are able to offer extensive guarantees from the point of view of communication and comprehensibility of the results. Particular attention is paid to the application of the methods of multi-criteria evaluation (Multiple Criteria Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis), which can support the design in the evaluation of alternatives by means of a graphic and immediate refund of the results obtained.
For further information on specific topics AMBITER is able to develop modeling with dedicated softwares, such as Monte Carlo and Ranking DEFINED for the multi-criteria analysis, package Maind Model Suite ( Caline 4 WinDimula 3.0, Windimula Professional, NFTPIso 9613 ) for the atmosphere component, CadnaA to the noise component, Softwares implemented for modeling qualitative applied to the evaluation of environmental impact on ecosystems and the impact assessment (loop analysis, network analysis).
In the course of its business AMBITER addressed positively more than 200 EIA procedures, relating to various types of public and private works such as road infrastructure, mining, renewable energy systems ( solar, hydro, wind, biogas), manufacturing (industry food products, agro-industry, chemical industry), urban plans for the development of new industrial zones and urban areas of large construction projects of shopping centers and car parks, construction projects basins of water storage for agriculture, waste disposal plants and recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous systems, water purification systems divert water for drinking water.


The skills acquired allow AMBITER to follow the customer as early as the first stage of the decision support on the feasibility of the project, and then continue with the programming of the extension activities necessary, environmental analysis of the targeted areas, the drafting of the technical documentation and assistance in dealing with authorities through participation in technical meetings and conference services; the latter activity is a crucial support for the prevention and resolution of any unforeseen difficulties and also to avoid the prolongation of the time required for approval .