The Company is organized in two areas of intervention (planning, environment and geology area, planning and renewable energy area) driven by technical managers with decades of experience. Activities in both areas are organized into sectors, led by senior experts.
The organization enables effective management of professionalism, ensuring a constant exchange of work experience. The activity is organized through staff meetings aimed at defining the project objectives, compliance with contractual deadlines, research and training.
Giovanni Neri, President
Rossana Valentini, Administrative Secretery
Giorgio Neri, Technical Director Geology & Environment
Michele Neri, Technical Director Engineering
Ambiter ensures their ability to analyze and design integrated with a multidisciplinary staff fully trained and highly motivated, willing to scientific research and the collaboration with the University.
The technical staff, comprising 25 specialists including shareholders, employees and collaborators, including the main skills applied to the environment: environmental engineers, town planners and landscape experts, geologists, agronomists and foresters, biologists, naturalists, graduates in environmental sciences, physical experts in numerical modeling, experts in environmental planning, design and monitoring and employs administrative experts .
The property is directly involved in the management and technical direction of the company.
The staff is very motivated and helpful and responds strictly to the ethical principles assumed by the Company, thereby ensuring compliance with the rules very carefully, and environmental protection.
The information structure allows the management of geographic information systems and databases and complex processing of thematic cartography.
The presence in Ambiter of all the professional in the environmental field guarantees the customer a result of synthesis that exceeds the frequent inconsistencies that are found in the activities of working groups extemporaneous, avoiding the run-up of various professionals for their timely delivery and the action due to comparison with other disciplines.
Ambiter thanks to the skills acquired by its employees during decades of activity, because it guarantees a product that enhances the various disciplines at the same time finding the proper synthesis in multidisciplinary activities, guaranteeing delivery time and high quality of the product delivered.
The Group also undertakes the work in assisting administrative procedures, participating with the heads of the operating segments conference services and ensuring, through its own legal experts, even a full assistance in the preparation of administrative documentation.
The company collaborates with various universities, developing research, collaborating with institutes and spin-offs for the scientific insights and actively participating in teaching, with lectures and active participation in seminars and conferences.
dott. geol. |
Giorgio Neri |
Coordinamento | |
dott. ing. |
Michele Neri |
Progettazione edilizia e idraulica, pianificazione territoriale, Sicurezza e Direzione lavori | |
dott. geol. |
Francesco Ravaglia |
Attività estrattive e geotecnica | |
dott. geol. |
Adriano Biasia |
Geologia applicata, geotecnica, indagini geognostiche | |
dott. ing. |
Gabriele Gilioli |
Progettazione stradale, topografia, monitoraggio ambientale. | |
dott. amb. |
Gabriele Virgilli |
Valutazione di impatto ambientale, Valutazione di incidenza, Ingegneria naturalistica | |
dott. amb. |
Davide Gerevini |
Pianificazione e Valutazione ambientale strategica | |
dott. amb. |
Alessio Ravera |
Valutazione di impatto ambientale | |
dott. amb. |
Maria Beatrice Corvi |
Pianificazione, Valutazione ambientale strategica e Autorizzazioni ambientali | |
dott. nat. |
Silvia Del Fiore |
Valutazione di impatto ambientale, Valutazione di Incidenza | |
dott. nat. |
Alessandro Mucciolo |
Valutazione di impatto ambientale, Valutazione di Incidenza | |
dott. pian. |
Guido Bonatti |
Aspetti urbanistici e paesaggistici | |